Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Self Expression or the lack there of

The problem of self expression is enormous. This is largely due to our upbringing. We put an emphasis on money, family, power. We don't realize our divinity. We live lies. We sacrifice our own personal truths, our hearts. Our souls become bound in an imaginary cage. Our egos produce such a fake identity and we become more and more confused and afraid. We become so afraid that we can actually paralyze ourselves into a place where we can't even exercise our own self will. The heart shuts down because of the pain in not being allowed to express who we really are. Addictions begin, as we try to anesthetize ourselves away from the truth. Why we don't love ourselves is all about social conditioning and now is the time to wake up and change ourselves and our world. The human condition is all the same. Rich or poor.The poor are distracted by the need to survive. So they happier at a level, if the sustaining needs are met. It brings a bliss from the relief of physical hunger. The rich suffer from a psychological, emotional hunger. Now all the physical needs are met, so that distraction goes away, but it is replaced by an emotional void because money and power have an ability to build up an ego to a false greatness. Consider the "entitlement" of the rich. There is a kind of compartmentalization that takes place, because they are so driven about themselves. I realize what I'm saying is paradoxical, saying know yourself, pay attention to yourself and then saying that being consumed with yourself isn't a good thing. The point is to know one's true self, the one at heart, not the ego created false one.That one is a mirage of images and personality traits from the outside world. It changes daily like fashion, the ego driven, world defined persona of who we are. You can't connect to someone else if you yourself aren't connected to yourself.

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