Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rules of Engagement (How to find your SoulMate)

Before you begin, I suggest two essentials:
1.) Be clear in your focus ie know what you seek. Laughter, fun, passion, romance. fidelity, etc.
2.) Understand it's an unfoldment of learning. Relationships would be boring if we didn't learn from the other in the process, as a matter of fact this is why many relationships fail. The partners get bored, stop growing and encouraging each others growth. Remember that real growth feels uncomfortable sometimes too.

Be what you seek.  This is the "wavelength" factor. Energy is everywhere. Particles moving.  Physicists have discovered that our reality, which we create with our energy particles, has variables. We actually "will" them into probability. These variables are, what I like to call, your intent.
So let me make this simple. You want to find your equal. First you must know yourself fully. Take an inventory. What's good? What's dark? Second, what do you want? What do you have that you want to share? This is how you become clear. By visiting all your own details.
Now that you are more aware of who you are and what you want, you need to embrace this next concept.
"Wavelength". If you are serious about finding your soulmate lovematch, study your wavelength. What do I mean? What wavelength are you on? My experience, which has encompassed many, closely, shows that people are not selective enough about what they gravitate to. I am not asking you to be an elitist about the people you are surrounded by. Not at all. What I am asking you to do is become more aware of two things: your powers of observation of yourself and others and your feelings.
Paying attention to these two things will create a shift in what shows up in love. Expressions like: like attracts like and birds of a feather flock together are expressions of wavelength. The beauty of this concept is, it saves you time and effort in not wasting your energy trying to change someone that's not on your wavelength. It won't happen. You can't change anyone but yourself. You can change your attitude to kindness towards everyone but you can't change someone else's way of being. Through love people can become transformed, but that is not within your power to do so, as your intention set. You can intend to transform yourself.You can intend to assist in the transformation of others if they ask for your help. But no one will ever change just because you want them to. So you must learn to love what is. Starting with yourself. Once you are aware of who you are and what you are like, then you become more aware of what's around you that is on the same wavelength because that's what you are paying attention to now. Success is created by being aware and paying attention to what is. By thinking in this manner your "tribe" (wavelength equals) will show up.
So now you have this tool to use which I like to call observation. You now start looking around to see what shows up on your same wavelength.And here comes the real fire-How do you know it's on your wavelength? It can be identified on your wavelength because of the way it makes you feel. The answer is very simple. We over complicate it because we've been taught to use our brain instead of our heart. The brain is great for things like bank statements but not for love, which is best guided throughour heart and our feelings.
So here is the new skill set. Use observation on yourself first.Watch and learn who you genuinely are even if there are ugly things. Things you don't love. We all have them. Our dark sides. All they need is more light and love. Embrace them, make peace with them in an awareness that you are changeable if you wish. This observation of yourself contributes to wholeness, which significantly bumps up your wavelength. A truly healthy happy relationship is best when two whole individuals come together to share and have fun while assisting each other to spiritually grow (among other things).
So get yourself whole because being a vampire is no fun. You know vampires. They are the people who drain you of your energies because they themselves are not whole, not full. They are empty and need filling. Avoid them. You can feel them immediately now with your new observation and feeling skills. Let's get back to feelings. Observations are watching yourself then others, as if overseeing. It's like you are hosting a party. Like, well look at this... this could use this... Don't judge, just watch. First you need to learn and practice awareness. Then you can hone your changes, on yourself, only on yourself. But let me let you in on a big secret. When you change inside yourself, the reality outside yourself externally shifts and changes too. Remember this: Everything ultimately is an inside job.
Now pay attention to your feelings. This is so very important, that I can't stress this enough. Pay attention to what you are feeling! First observe, than ask yourself: How does this make me feel? It might take a few seconds to get a good reading (understanding) of just what you are feeling. This is key, because most people go wrong, give up, shut down, whatever, on the relationship path because there is so much confusion about feelings. In love, feelings are great! They are your steering wheel, that drives you in the correct direction for your journey. Don't be afraid of them. Pain is an awareness alarm. Joy is an awarenss alarm. They are pointers. They show you, they direct you, they guide you. Use them as tools. That's what they are. If the feeling is affirmative go with it. If it's negative change your course. Very simple stuff. And when you practice it you will feel stronger, clearer, more confident and you won't harm anyone in the process. If you follow this, which is easy, you will see changes...good ones!

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