Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Like attracts like:1st rule to meet your Soul Mate

So the first rule to meet your soul mate is to be a soul mate to yourself. Love yourself. When you know who you are and are happy being that, you will be able to attract someone of the same vibrational frequency. Then you have someone you can really share with and vice versa. Each being mutually "full", not needy, you can then help your beloved grow into being a more fully conscious and fulfilled human and they can help you do the same. It's an independent cooperation. It feels really good. Love is for our growth. Like attracts like.
Once we have learned to love ourselves, give to ourselves, then we learn what is in our hearts, our feelings, desires and needs. In this way, we have an awareness of ourselves and that is powerful tool in the happiness factor. Happiness is an inside job. In the Divine loving relationship, two people have a common goal and commitment that says "I am here to move heaven and earth for your spiritual progress and for you to become better". That is love!
Love is not "What can I get?" "How can I be taken care of?" This is not love. I don't know what it is but it is not love. Universal Law says giving is receiving, you sow you reap, karma, on and on. Do we understand the concept? We really don't at all, because we believe that if we give, then we have to get something in return. We get motivated by the return and that's not real giving because there is an expectation. A condition. Here is where the conceptualization of giving goes wrong. It's not genuine. When you give wholeheartedly, it's for the act giving. It makes you feel good. There is no agenda, no condition, no expectation. It's genuine. What is
genuine? Genuine is when something is real, natural, true, with nothing false behind it. In this case, something done without a self involving motive in the outcome. We are always thinking of ourselves in an external capacity. If we take this energy, even just a small percentage, that we use in our external drama and put it into internal observation and meditation, all of our dynamic in life would change. Why? Because we are creating balance in an off balanced world inside of us. We are not the world. You are you. Stop trying to be
what is not. Be what is. Look at it . Make peace with it.  Find it's beauty. The Divine only creates beauty. And you are Divine. It created you. We make things ugly with our minds. Get into yourself to get more out of yourself. Get so full of love with yourself that you can afford to be generous to others in the world that you want to give your love to. Be so full that you are overflowing! You can't give what you don't possess yourself. In this state of being full of love, when you give to others that you love, the act of giving because you want to help them, actually is a gift that you receive because it resonates in your heart, it's true, genuine, real. You do it because it feels right within. It makes you feel good. Now you give with an open heart. And that is
how you create joy- by that gift of giving, comes an ecstacy of receiving- you feel good in that act of abundance in having more than enough to share. Nothing can be enjoyed as much as it can through sharing it.
So, here's the point: BE GREAT! Work on yourself. Get full. Than you will attract the same, you will attract what you really want. BE WHAT YOU SEEK!   

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