So we understand that we are human beings that have souls and that we choose to incarnate here on earth to learn and grow in consciousness and vibrationally rise to higher levels because life is a continuous evolution. Everything on the planet is comprised of energy. Every single thing. Energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be changed, transformed. We are energy morphing every second. The infant becomes a toddler, the toddler a child, the child a teen, and so on. So we are always moving, changing, growing.
That being said, any time you are unhappy with your current situation, the possibility to change it is readily available because everything is vastly changeable. Everything is in motion. Sometimes this aspect is forgotten.
We think things are unchangeable. This is false. Everything is changeable. Nothing in nature is permanent.
So we come into an ever changing environment to learn and have joy. If we are not having joy, it's only because we choose to be in disalignment with the cosmos. And that's ok, duality or opposites creates the contrast of experiences that are needed to fully envelop the sensation of it all. What is cold if you don't know hot? So we embody greater sensivity in this process and a fuller body of enrching experiences.
So we come to earth with an agenda to master our potentiality, to become the fullest self we can be. Each one of us is unique and different, with our own gifts, so our potentiality will reflect this difference as well. We will need others, as actors to play their roles, in the productions of our lives, in creating our stories and to aid us, in getting our lessons. These agreements to participate in each others lives are called Divine Contracts. We agree to marriage, babies, love, many things. The contracts can always change. Within each of these Divine Contracts is a great opportunity for fulfillment. It is good to fill them.
So let me reiterate this: We come to the world with "contracts" to fulfill with others for the sake of our personal growth, to realize our full potential and to help the planet evolve. The most powerful tool we can use to achieve all of this is LOVE!
Now I will direct our attention, to conracts for love, marriage and soul mate. Yes, we have made contracts for these things. This explains why some relationships fall into place with ease and last a lifetime and others are disasterous and very painful. Remember the expression "a match made in Heaven"? Well it is the truth. There are Divine Contracts behind great relationships, blessed marriages, and
ancient matchmakers have been utulizing them for eons. The contracts make the couples energies (because they are similar spiritually) more compatible and symbiotic at heart. Their energies flow easily and this is the formula for relationship bliss. All energy flow (emotion) between people is supposed to elicit love, to create love. It doesn't always go that way. This comes back to consciousness. You can not utilize properly that which you are not conscious of. Intention can bring the unconscious to consciousness. If you understand the nature of something you can be in better alignment with it and make it work more benefitially for you.
Hence this is my task in Divine Matchmaking, to recognize the Divine Contracts for marriage, the Divine Marriage.
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