Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thinking Serves Feelings

Thinking serves feelings.
Once thinking serves feelings, everything is balanced. The mind and the senses dance and create a world of their own. We limit ourselves through the mediocrity of living just the sense pleasures. We must create a way to use the mind to create a new reality, a new civilization that does some good. The mind doesn’t direct us. We direct our minds. With ego gratification and sense gratification living gets phonier and phonier. Look at Wall St. and American politics.
Real wealth is in the heart and spirit. It’s in own inherent creativity. We don’t have to prove anything to anybody, including ourselves. Believe in ourselves. Don’t believe in someone else, that’s secondary. Create our own consciousness. Don’t borrow or imitate the mass consciousness. Imagination is better than intellect. All the advances in the human progression were due to creativity. Meditation is creativity. We need not become anything, just yield to that power within us. Surrender to that that is beyond us. Then our egos disappear, our wounds heal, we become whole and start flowing with existence.
Make a commitment to not be phony. Commit to the process of a higher consciousness. The mind has the ability to manifest anything it wants. Do not choose to live a powerless life. We have to take responsibility.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A New Generation in A Brave New World

A New Generation in A Brave New World
What’s going on in our world? I’ll tell you. 14,000 years ago humanity followed a matriarchal society. The Divine Feminine ruled for 7,000 years. At that point a patriarchal energy came in to rule for the next 7,000 years. That patriarchal energy just finished its reign in 1999. So now what? What’s going on?
We have begun a new paradigm. Not matriarch, not patriarch, but both together as a couple, as equals, as co-creators. Humanity’s ruling energies will be of a feminine/masculine co equal interdependent balanced ruler. That is where this new generation of humans (born 1975 and later) are taking us.
They are a unique breed. They are perfect in their own way. And everything in the last 75 years on earth is the review, cleanup and ascension of the old to make way for the new- the new breed of human consciousness. A much more evolved human consciousness. One that is moving closer to its own Divinity without getting lost in the process and destroying itself.
A new breed that will use its unique and individual wisdoms to create a collective whole that is balanced and interdependent and that will transcend pain and suffering out of the human equation. They will create Heaven on Earth and elevate this beautiful planet to be part of a more balanced universe.
This new breed, which will be here for a least the next thousand years, needs to be more fully and clearly understood by those of the old breed and those who have come to “clear” the way for them.
Each one of them has a “genius” of some kind within them. And the whole point is to discover what that genius is and bring it about to create something new in the world. They have a different mentality (Thank God!). They learn differently and they can’t be herded like sheep. Education is going to have to change tremendously in regard to them. They are naturally intuitive, so memorizing a bunch of antiquated ideology doesn’t work for them. Their needs must be met and with great love and compassion for the fact that they are so very different from what’s come before them. Each one has a genius that they need to find. And when they do, when they find their genius, it is half of the equation for their happiness and total fulfillment in this life here on Earth. All that genius, from each of them, will create a new consciousness and way of existence for humankind here in our planet, Mother Earth. The other half of the fulfillment equation is that each of them is encoded to just one mate. That’s right just one mate- their one true love. So when they find their one mate and their genius they are golden. That’s not to say that they won’t have many experiences with others who are not their one mate while on the road to finding their true love. But once they find their “divine contract to mate” they will “know” because it will fit undeniably. The energy flow will be there. It will move along easily. It will feel beautiful and be supportive. They will be compatible. And when they meet, match and mate they become the living embodiment, here on earth, of the new energetic archetype, the feminine/masculine co equal interdependent God. “As Above, So Below.” 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Quick Way TO Freedom

The Quick Way To Freedom
First separate the real from the false. The false will get you nowhere. Even if you don’t know what is real, you do know what is false. So don’t sign on to that bill of goods. The list of things that SHOULD bring bliss: money, beauty, power, status, education, position, opportunity…The best things, the real things are unquestionably simple. They are a simple yes or no, because you know for sure there is never a maybe and you don’t ever have to convince yourself or make excuses. If you find yourself making excuses for someone or something then you know its fake, it’s false, at least for you. So get real about yourself and what you really want. We think we want all this stuff, but really we want attention. Usually attention will do it. Then a little kind spiritedness goes a long way.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Find Yourself Than Find Your Truths

Find yourself than find your truths.
Everyone has a failed love somewhere early in life. They just weren’t understood and loved unconditionally when the seeds were sown.  Parents of children are so invested in their own dramas and survival during those formative years that it’s near impossible to do. Many have been branded somewhere in time by a love situation that didn’t go right and its victim can suffer unconsciously for years. For men it can start with their mother (maybe a dynamic between the mother and father) and for women, their father. We long for the validation and recognition of our own wonder. We are a wonder, one of a kind. One of the most significant influences of love for me was my father’s mother. This grandmother had such love, acceptance, allowance, and understanding of who I was that I will never forget how she made me feel. She always said yes, not in an ego creating way. She would let me be and do what brought me happiness. So long as I didn’t get hurt she let me be. She had an amazing ability of creating delight and a sense of belonging in a child. I felt I was her favorite and so did each and every one of her 35 grandchildren. That power of unconditional love.
To get clear of the early love malfunction you need to identify it and address it. Embrace it and forgive the ignorance, neglect, whatever was the source of its creation. Realize that whatever it was that you needed and didn’t get emotionally, will continue to be a pattern in every new relationship. You will search for that validation in relationship after relationship. You will continue to play it out unconsciously until you make it conscious.  Once you are aware of your unconscious pattern you can learn to give yourself whatever you didn’t get but wanted, and let go of trying to find it in others. It’s like a wound that needs to be cleaned and looked at so it can heal properly. Whatever makes us suffer just needs more light and more love. So find the weed and pull it out at the root and toss it in the rubbish. Whatever you needed back then is possible to give yourself right now. It always comes around to love. Love is food. You go hungry without it. You get cranky without it. It gets more painful without it the longer you go. Babies die without it. It makes us old before our time if it stops.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why are people unhappy?

Why are people unhappy?
Its because their energy has taken a wrong turn. And with passage of time the wrong turn becomes an unconscious habit.
We all start happy and loving. It’s our Divine nature when we are born. Then a cycle starts where our surrounding providers (the people we love), project their ideas for molding and constructing identities that we should become. It’s pretty inescapable because it begins when we are little and helpless. We are cared for by people who, if they were on a time line, are probably at the deepest point of their own enslavement in a societally conditioned false personality. Unless are really blessed to be raised by people who allow you to follow your own nature, you are doomed to become split inside by the pressures of the human environment around you. Like begets like, usually. It takes great effort and courage to break a cycle and move and behave opposite of what you have been forced to experience. That is, if you are not completely broken first, in the process.
Life is an evolution. That is what I believe. I also believe that the human spirit reincarnates many times to refine it’s consciousness. I believe souls evolve. I believe, that right now, the group that is maturing has been groomed to be competitive, but are choosing to be collaborative and cooperative instead. The days of the war monger mentality are over, at least in the U.S.A. I believe that the United States is the model of democracy- a spiritual democracy that is for the globe. It’s far from perfect but we are moving in a positive direction to become a global whole. The paradigm being unified individuals operating from an awareness of themselves as an individual but also awareness of themselves as a part of the collective whole, the group, the human family.
We are evolving to oneness, an individual first that creates in the collective whole. This young group will smash the old ways of control. They will innovate new models of consciousness. They are realizing it’s not enough to be well fed, well clothed, well housed, well educated, with all the bells and whistles, if you are not well loved within yourself, from yourself and radiating benevolently that overflowing excess of love to those others like you.
Love is the most important component to sustenance in the human schematic. Atrocities occur on each other and our planet because of lack of it. And we’ve lost it simply because of a wrong turn that can easily be set right. Set it right and practice that new setup and create a new habit, by creating a new awareness, a new consciousness. This is what we are striving towards: embodying our true Divine nature within the one human family on our planet Mother Earth.
We are born to illicit love. Period. That’s the whole concept in a nutshell at present. All the great masters, messiahs, holy teachers, whatever you want to call them have all said the same thing: Love Yourself and Love One Another. Mankind has a long history of this Divine Manifest being contorted and twisted by manipulative and greedy men to gain control and power over the meek and gentle hearted who try to practice love. This has got to stop and the present youthful generation will do so reconnecting to the Divine through consciously guiding their thoughts and emotions into acts of love. They will transform themselves through the conscious and constant practice of thinking correctly and converting their emotional energy to illicit love and loving relationships. They will think right thoughts, positive thoughts, not garbage, not ego based. They will imote love in their feelings and in their words. They will direct whatever emotional energy that fills them back into what comes most naturally, that which is love. It is natural. The most natural thing is to radiate love. The reason mankind is so screwed up is because it has lost its essential connection to its true nature through the practice of and enslavement to the ego based concepts of the mass consciousness. All that needs to be done is to lift the veil of unconsciousness, to see the stupidity of our own ancient rules and outdated standards that no longer serve us or our Mother Earth.
We have to practice love. Everyday. Every minute. As light dispels darkness, love dispels unhappiness.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Getting Busy

Ok. Ready to begin. Cleared your head. Opened your heart. Know what you want. Your willingnes is good to go. In Divine Contract, two people meet and mate. There is an energy process, a flow that stimulates emotion, human emotion, between these two people. As you connect, as the energy flows, emotions come along and those emotions manifest the quality, the quantity of the relationship between the two of you. Many times there are other emotions this energy can get translated into, something besides love. All the energy influences from your spirit, through your soul, are those of Divine
emotion: love, awe, divinity, joy, wisdom, acceptance. The discrepancy between those emotions and what you actually feel is a translation between your soul and your physical body. Sometimes the energy goes astray. Sometimes the energy is too much, and it is translated as irritation, as annoyance. There is also a functioning of choice, although these choices are below the level of your consciousness. In the process, you learn all the aspects of human emotion.You feel an experience. All aspects of human emotion within this experience, which seems to be fully reactive, but which is not, you have choice. Although it seems your emotions are in response to energy, that energy is always designed to elicit a response of love. The emotion that comes instead of love is a function of your choice although it may not be conscious. If you can begin to make this process more conscious, if you can begin to look at each relationship in your life and make full conscious choices about them, about acceptance, about friendship, about allowing, about choosing to not be annoyed or irritated or frightened or threatened or competitive or any other emotion and instead focus on love, this will shift your consciousness, your experience in life. It will shift your abundance. It will open your creativity. And it will take you to the next level. To love someone is not to make a commitment to them. Rather it is making a commitment to yourself and fulfilling your commitment with the Divine.