Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How To Meet Your Soul Mate

Tell me your heart.
Everyone has a heart.
Do you know what is in yours?
To find the one you love, your soul mate,
one must know what they are longing for.
This requires inner (the opposite of outer) perspective.
Our world has enforced our energies to always be looking outward.
In this matter, finding your soul mate, the reverse is required: look within.

It is not an easy as it sounds. Only because it is a new experience.
It requires our energies to become calm and quiet.
Our heart has a soft voice and the stiller we become, the more calm
and quiet we become, the clearer it can be heard.
This is the way in.
Let go of the outerworld, everything in your mind, for just a little while,
and in that quiet, listen to what your heart wants to say.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


All humans want to experience love. Love in many ways is longed for more than health. More people are in a state of suffering due to the lack of a loving relationship than from disease or injury. 7 in 10 of the people you know, suffer from this situation, this lack of love. And in many ways this suffering, on a mental and emotional level, is more painful than disease or injury. I believe the vibrations of this lack manifest into dis-ease in the body. It is nature's alarm system saying "wakeup, get conscious of what you are feeling, pay attention to your spirit!".
When we experience love we feel connected, joined, in union with, and this is our true nature. We have the capacity to move our energy to love in every moment. Our energy can be guided to a state of love. We are unconscious of how to move our energies, consciously, to where and what we want to experience. All that is needed is awareness and willingness. An intent to change the energy we feel whether it is negativity, irritation, annoyance,etc. to one of love,of  allowance and of acceptance.