Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rules of Engagement (How to find your SoulMate)

Before you begin, I suggest two essentials:
1.) Be clear in your focus ie know what you seek. Laughter, fun, passion, romance. fidelity, etc.
2.) Understand it's an unfoldment of learning. Relationships would be boring if we didn't learn from the other in the process, as a matter of fact this is why many relationships fail. The partners get bored, stop growing and encouraging each others growth. Remember that real growth feels uncomfortable sometimes too.

Be what you seek.  This is the "wavelength" factor. Energy is everywhere. Particles moving.  Physicists have discovered that our reality, which we create with our energy particles, has variables. We actually "will" them into probability. These variables are, what I like to call, your intent.
So let me make this simple. You want to find your equal. First you must know yourself fully. Take an inventory. What's good? What's dark? Second, what do you want? What do you have that you want to share? This is how you become clear. By visiting all your own details.
Now that you are more aware of who you are and what you want, you need to embrace this next concept.
"Wavelength". If you are serious about finding your soulmate lovematch, study your wavelength. What do I mean? What wavelength are you on? My experience, which has encompassed many, closely, shows that people are not selective enough about what they gravitate to. I am not asking you to be an elitist about the people you are surrounded by. Not at all. What I am asking you to do is become more aware of two things: your powers of observation of yourself and others and your feelings.
Paying attention to these two things will create a shift in what shows up in love. Expressions like: like attracts like and birds of a feather flock together are expressions of wavelength. The beauty of this concept is, it saves you time and effort in not wasting your energy trying to change someone that's not on your wavelength. It won't happen. You can't change anyone but yourself. You can change your attitude to kindness towards everyone but you can't change someone else's way of being. Through love people can become transformed, but that is not within your power to do so, as your intention set. You can intend to transform yourself.You can intend to assist in the transformation of others if they ask for your help. But no one will ever change just because you want them to. So you must learn to love what is. Starting with yourself. Once you are aware of who you are and what you are like, then you become more aware of what's around you that is on the same wavelength because that's what you are paying attention to now. Success is created by being aware and paying attention to what is. By thinking in this manner your "tribe" (wavelength equals) will show up.
So now you have this tool to use which I like to call observation. You now start looking around to see what shows up on your same wavelength.And here comes the real fire-How do you know it's on your wavelength? It can be identified on your wavelength because of the way it makes you feel. The answer is very simple. We over complicate it because we've been taught to use our brain instead of our heart. The brain is great for things like bank statements but not for love, which is best guided throughour heart and our feelings.
So here is the new skill set. Use observation on yourself first.Watch and learn who you genuinely are even if there are ugly things. Things you don't love. We all have them. Our dark sides. All they need is more light and love. Embrace them, make peace with them in an awareness that you are changeable if you wish. This observation of yourself contributes to wholeness, which significantly bumps up your wavelength. A truly healthy happy relationship is best when two whole individuals come together to share and have fun while assisting each other to spiritually grow (among other things).
So get yourself whole because being a vampire is no fun. You know vampires. They are the people who drain you of your energies because they themselves are not whole, not full. They are empty and need filling. Avoid them. You can feel them immediately now with your new observation and feeling skills. Let's get back to feelings. Observations are watching yourself then others, as if overseeing. It's like you are hosting a party. Like, well look at this... this could use this... Don't judge, just watch. First you need to learn and practice awareness. Then you can hone your changes, on yourself, only on yourself. But let me let you in on a big secret. When you change inside yourself, the reality outside yourself externally shifts and changes too. Remember this: Everything ultimately is an inside job.
Now pay attention to your feelings. This is so very important, that I can't stress this enough. Pay attention to what you are feeling! First observe, than ask yourself: How does this make me feel? It might take a few seconds to get a good reading (understanding) of just what you are feeling. This is key, because most people go wrong, give up, shut down, whatever, on the relationship path because there is so much confusion about feelings. In love, feelings are great! They are your steering wheel, that drives you in the correct direction for your journey. Don't be afraid of them. Pain is an awareness alarm. Joy is an awarenss alarm. They are pointers. They show you, they direct you, they guide you. Use them as tools. That's what they are. If the feeling is affirmative go with it. If it's negative change your course. Very simple stuff. And when you practice it you will feel stronger, clearer, more confident and you won't harm anyone in the process. If you follow this, which is easy, you will see changes...good ones!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Small Child Mind

Just look at small children. They are in the zone of connect. Connection with the universe. With their own little essences. Then little by little our culture, our world, families, schools, churches, our media splitters us apart from our Divine essential connection to the All. It happens through comparison to a bogus standard: the good student, the good wife, be a good boy. Where did it all begin? It is time to exist as a community of one earth, peacefully, lovingly, whole. How?
By first looking within at ourselves, making peace with ourselves, loving ourselves first. You can't give what you don't have. Spend time alone. Discover who you are, what you are. We all share the same things. We breathe, we feel, we want the best for our children and those we love. With all the stimulus overload in the world we exist in today, we don't spend enough time looking within us. It's good to be alone. Balance is the key. Yes, we are social creatures. Joy comes in giving to others. But first become abundantly aware of what is inside oneself, in order to share that, with others. And then allow and accept others to share their internal experience as well.
Experience is the best teacher, is what's been said. How many of us have had the benefit of our own experiences? Experience is an inside job. No one can have it for you. It's like eating a cheeseburger. You can eat one or someone can tell you what it's like to eat one. Big difference! Have your experiences. Then
share them. We have more in common as humans than not. The preoccupation with paying more attention to what everyone else is doing in the world outside of us has become an obsession. The problem with obsession is that balance is lost. Now it is lost so far we don't even know what balance is anymore. Dysfunction is a fashion accessory these days. Our culture encourages dysfunction. Look at the state of mass media...reality T.V., the news.
There is hope. Mother Nature never fails because God is perfect love. There is a cosmic shift, right now, on the planet, that is bringing consciousnes to the forfront. In just 50 years, the black culture in the U.S. have been liberated to equal rights, women have been given opportunity to be human sinstead of possesssions with access to education and jobs and gays are free and out of the closet. People's spirits are being allowed and accepted. There is a thirst, a spiritual thirst for awareness. Look at the success of Oprah, who's credo was "Honor Your Spirit" and popularity of "The Power of Now". Different cultures marry, different religions marry, and a different kind of marriage is needed: A Divine Marriage. One the nutures and promotes instead of enslaving and holding in bondage. Divorce is high because people have forgotten love. They say "How can I be taken care of? What can I get?' instead of "How can I help? What can I give?"
Love will grow through unconditional allowance and acceptance.
Marriage will evolve to a state of divinity. It must evolve and ascend to something greater, more beautiful. Love is the most important thing in the entire world. More than money, success, fame or power, which our culture tries desperately to stuff down our throats, at the expense of our spirits. Love is our essential energy.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Practicing Happiness

To change the world, one must seriously focus on one's own energies. The judgements and dramas we utilize against others should be pulled out at the root. That negative energy we use towards others and ourselves in a negative direction should be harnessed into our own inner purification. We can't change another. Only by our own work on changing ourselves for the better, do we have any effect on improving the energy of others. If our own energy is beautiful, then it is possible to have an uplifting effect on others. Think about the people you know, that make you feel good, just to be in their presence. They are happy just to enjoy being with you.
Then compare this to the vampires and bean counters you know of. They suck all your energy because they are so hungry for attention and "measure" everything they give and get because they are so afraid and limited. When someone thinks about being taken advantage of, more than likely they themselves take advantage of others. If one is trusting, probably they are trustworthy. What comes out of  one's mouth, says more about themselves than what the content is actually saying. Be observant. Alert. Make a study of observing yourself and what could be changed for the better and do it. And watch others as a means of understanding. Behind all aggression and negativity is a wish for attention, an unfulfilled longing. The world loves to accumulate more and more misery. It's like a club-let's all commiserate our miseries- BLABLABLA. The reverse should be true.
You become what you pay attention to. This is the truth. With this said, don't you want a life of ease and joy?
Collect your moments of happiness. Hold the memory of happy times past, if you have no happiness to hold at present. Because what you hold in your mind and your heart creates your next reality. If you want a better experience, a better reality, change what you think about and the way you think about it. Add good thoughts, more and more of them. Find what's lovable everywhere around you. Enjoy everything you can and share your happiness. It's a practice. If you practice this adding and building of happy things in your existence, with time your reality changes for the better. Little miracles show up regularly. Being miserable is a habit and it breeds like a contagious disease. Wakeup! Practice happiness. You have the power!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Self Expression or the lack there of

The problem of self expression is enormous. This is largely due to our upbringing. We put an emphasis on money, family, power. We don't realize our divinity. We live lies. We sacrifice our own personal truths, our hearts. Our souls become bound in an imaginary cage. Our egos produce such a fake identity and we become more and more confused and afraid. We become so afraid that we can actually paralyze ourselves into a place where we can't even exercise our own self will. The heart shuts down because of the pain in not being allowed to express who we really are. Addictions begin, as we try to anesthetize ourselves away from the truth. Why we don't love ourselves is all about social conditioning and now is the time to wake up and change ourselves and our world. The human condition is all the same. Rich or poor.The poor are distracted by the need to survive. So they happier at a level, if the sustaining needs are met. It brings a bliss from the relief of physical hunger. The rich suffer from a psychological, emotional hunger. Now all the physical needs are met, so that distraction goes away, but it is replaced by an emotional void because money and power have an ability to build up an ego to a false greatness. Consider the "entitlement" of the rich. There is a kind of compartmentalization that takes place, because they are so driven about themselves. I realize what I'm saying is paradoxical, saying know yourself, pay attention to yourself and then saying that being consumed with yourself isn't a good thing. The point is to know one's true self, the one at heart, not the ego created false one.That one is a mirage of images and personality traits from the outside world. It changes daily like fashion, the ego driven, world defined persona of who we are. You can't connect to someone else if you yourself aren't connected to yourself.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Like attracts like:1st rule to meet your Soul Mate

So the first rule to meet your soul mate is to be a soul mate to yourself. Love yourself. When you know who you are and are happy being that, you will be able to attract someone of the same vibrational frequency. Then you have someone you can really share with and vice versa. Each being mutually "full", not needy, you can then help your beloved grow into being a more fully conscious and fulfilled human and they can help you do the same. It's an independent cooperation. It feels really good. Love is for our growth. Like attracts like.
Once we have learned to love ourselves, give to ourselves, then we learn what is in our hearts, our feelings, desires and needs. In this way, we have an awareness of ourselves and that is powerful tool in the happiness factor. Happiness is an inside job. In the Divine loving relationship, two people have a common goal and commitment that says "I am here to move heaven and earth for your spiritual progress and for you to become better". That is love!
Love is not "What can I get?" "How can I be taken care of?" This is not love. I don't know what it is but it is not love. Universal Law says giving is receiving, you sow you reap, karma, on and on. Do we understand the concept? We really don't at all, because we believe that if we give, then we have to get something in return. We get motivated by the return and that's not real giving because there is an expectation. A condition. Here is where the conceptualization of giving goes wrong. It's not genuine. When you give wholeheartedly, it's for the act giving. It makes you feel good. There is no agenda, no condition, no expectation. It's genuine. What is
genuine? Genuine is when something is real, natural, true, with nothing false behind it. In this case, something done without a self involving motive in the outcome. We are always thinking of ourselves in an external capacity. If we take this energy, even just a small percentage, that we use in our external drama and put it into internal observation and meditation, all of our dynamic in life would change. Why? Because we are creating balance in an off balanced world inside of us. We are not the world. You are you. Stop trying to be
what is not. Be what is. Look at it . Make peace with it.  Find it's beauty. The Divine only creates beauty. And you are Divine. It created you. We make things ugly with our minds. Get into yourself to get more out of yourself. Get so full of love with yourself that you can afford to be generous to others in the world that you want to give your love to. Be so full that you are overflowing! You can't give what you don't possess yourself. In this state of being full of love, when you give to others that you love, the act of giving because you want to help them, actually is a gift that you receive because it resonates in your heart, it's true, genuine, real. You do it because it feels right within. It makes you feel good. Now you give with an open heart. And that is
how you create joy- by that gift of giving, comes an ecstacy of receiving- you feel good in that act of abundance in having more than enough to share. Nothing can be enjoyed as much as it can through sharing it.
So, here's the point: BE GREAT! Work on yourself. Get full. Than you will attract the same, you will attract what you really want. BE WHAT YOU SEEK!   

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Divine Contracts

So we understand that we are human beings that have souls and that we choose to incarnate here on earth to learn and grow in consciousness and vibrationally rise to higher levels because life is a continuous evolution. Everything on the planet is comprised of energy. Every single thing. Energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be changed, transformed. We are energy morphing every second. The infant becomes a toddler, the toddler a child, the child a teen, and so on. So we are always moving, changing, growing.
That being said, any time you are unhappy with your current situation, the possibility to change it is readily available because everything is vastly changeable. Everything is in motion. Sometimes this aspect is forgotten.
We think things are unchangeable. This is false. Everything is changeable. Nothing in nature is permanent.
So we come into an ever changing environment to learn and have joy. If we are not having joy, it's only because we choose to be in disalignment with the cosmos. And that's ok, duality or opposites creates the contrast of experiences that are needed to fully envelop the sensation of it all. What is cold if you don't know hot? So we embody greater sensivity in this process and a fuller body of enrching experiences.
So we come to earth with an agenda to master our potentiality, to become the fullest self we can be. Each one of us is unique and different, with our own gifts, so our potentiality will reflect this difference as well. We will need others, as actors to play their roles, in the productions of our lives, in creating our stories and to aid us, in getting our lessons.  These agreements to participate in each others lives are called Divine Contracts. We agree to marriage, babies, love, many things. The contracts can always change. Within each of these Divine Contracts is a great opportunity for fulfillment. It is good to fill them.
So let me reiterate this: We come to the world with "contracts" to fulfill with others for the sake of our personal growth, to realize our full potential and to help the planet evolve. The most powerful tool we can use to achieve all of this is LOVE!
Now I will direct our attention, to conracts for love, marriage and soul mate. Yes, we have made contracts for these things. This explains why some relationships fall into place with ease and last a lifetime and others are disasterous and very painful. Remember the expression "a match made in Heaven"? Well it is the truth. There are Divine Contracts behind great relationships, blessed marriages, and
ancient matchmakers have been utulizing them for eons. The contracts make the couples energies (because they are similar spiritually) more compatible and symbiotic at heart. Their energies flow easily and this is the formula for relationship bliss. All energy flow (emotion) between people is supposed to elicit love, to create love. It doesn't always go that way. This comes back to consciousness. You can not utilize properly that which you are not conscious of. Intention can bring the unconscious to consciousness. If you understand the nature of something you can be in better alignment with it and make it work more benefitially for you.
Hence this is my task in Divine Matchmaking, to recognize the Divine Contracts for marriage, the Divine Marriage.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Earth School

Earth is like a school. Your attention is a channel for growth. Before we are born, we enter into destiny agreements with other souls we know. It's like agreeing to meet a friend for lunch in Paris when you know you will both be there at the same place and at the same time. The game plan can change, there is always choice. But life makes alot more sense this way. Knowing you came into it with certain "contracts" to fill with other souls, for mutual growth, theirs and yours.
The purpose of life is to realize our potential and to help the planet evolve. With this idea in mind, you can create a much more interesting and fulfilling life. Think back on some of your deepest associations with the people in your life. What was the outcome? Or what is the outcome thus far? It's an interesting reflection to find what the lesson in it is for you. It helps you become better acquainted with yourself and what you are and aren't. Some lessons really make us suffer. But you will find that with this new awareness-your brand new consciousness of yourself, so to speak and some diligent practice, you can learn to grow more deeply, quickly and painlessly. Not all lessons require suffering. Usually the suffering is tied in with our own unconsciousness of what's happening. We have acquired a habit of projecting all our cares and woes onto  "the other".
It is time to put this silliness to rest once and for all. You are responsible for everything in your life. Now there may be some really horrific things that one would say I never would have created this. But the one and only thing we can control is us. It's hard! But the only control you have in life is your reaction to the things you have scripted. We all have forgotten that we scripted this story before we came in so we could have lessons to reach our fullest potential and help others to do so as well. If something isn't workin' for you, CHANGE YOUR MIND!
It's truly amazing how invested people are in their own drama. The three reasons why people continue to suffer when they know better and could change are because they are too lazy to make the effort, they love their own drama and wouldn't want to part with it for the world and/or they are too afraid of the unknown.
You never know exactly what a change entails and the uncertainty is very scarey to some, ie: the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. The reality is whenever you are going into the unknown anything is possible. Anything! That is fabulous! It's infinite! Once you know something it becomes limited, it's encapsulated. The unknown is sublimely full of billions of possibilities. It's an excellent opportunity to be creative and select the things you do want in your life. But you have to have awareness and exercise choice. You have to pay attention, focus and make an effort. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Love feels like...

What is love? Or phrased a better way, how does love make us feel? The only way to know love is at the emotional level. Love is not intellectual. Although everyone has tried to make it so one or more times in their
life. It's not physical, that's called lust and it's very short lived if that. Love has a growth potential. It starts at the feeling level because it is based in the spiritual realm. It touches the soul and the soul and the emotional body go together. There are different levels of consciousness and as you go deeper into consciousness, the greater becomes your connection with the soul. The soul is life force. We aren't our bodies, we aren't our thoughts, we have our feelings, but we are our spirits. The bodies change, the thoughts differ, the emotions swing, but the soul can remain constant for a lifetime.
The only way to know oneself is to spend time alone quietly going within. From the time we are very young we are coersed to the extreme to be social. It's part of existense in civilization. However, culturally, we have
overdosed on it to the point that we don't know who we are internally anymore because we've paid more attention to everything external instead of what is is inside of us. How do you know anything is true if you haven't had your own experience of it? Let's face it, we learn what we observe. You can tell a child to behave this way or that but they will parrot your behavior.Why? Because it's what they see, feel and experience that becomes what they learn. Be careful about this if you have kids. It's not what you say to them to do- it's what they see you are doing yourself that makes a behavior pattern.
Every person on the planet is different from each other. Just like snowflakes, unique and perfect. The trick in life is to experience and know how your own individual tool set, your physical body, your emotional feelings, and how your thoughts work, separately and together.
In the early years of development, we spend so much time training the young to get on as a group. Getting to know yourself should not require having others in the equation because it is futile. Yes, later in life perhaps, but not early on. Early on you need to become very well acquainted with you. Then later on you can relate yourself with others. But how can you relate to others when you have no familiarity with yourself, other than how you fall short in comparison to a false standard. The false standard being how you measure up to the "popularity" of the day. When I was twelve, several people said to me I should consider modeling because I was tall and slim and easy to look at. At seventeen, I got thinner and tried to do so. Do you know what the two top modeling agencies told me? "You don't have the right look." The right look at that time was one of two things: blonde and blue eyed with fine bones or exotic from the jungle. My look then was today's Ralph Lauren or an Abercombie Fitch, I was pretty but I didn't fit!
We don't know better or do we? I don't know if it's the media, TV, magazines or what, that has created such crazy notions of what is necessary for us to live, in confusion, not knowing we are confused.
So, back to love. What does all this have to do with what love feels like? Because how can we connect with others when we aren't fully connected to ourselves? We are like voids, unfull. How do you share with someone if you are empty? We have come to be such stimulation junkies, that it's like a love relationship is a form of entertainment. And then we are disappointed, because it's not what we thought. Love is not for our entertainment.( Although it is entertaining as times). Love is for our growth. Love gives you the opportunities
and challenges necessary to grow and rise to your fullest potential. And that is the real mission we are create
for. That stirs our longings for love. Love make us feel like becoming so much more than we already are.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How To Meet Your Soul Mate

Tell me your heart.
Everyone has a heart.
Do you know what is in yours?
To find the one you love, your soul mate,
one must know what they are longing for.
This requires inner (the opposite of outer) perspective.
Our world has enforced our energies to always be looking outward.
In this matter, finding your soul mate, the reverse is required: look within.

It is not an easy as it sounds. Only because it is a new experience.
It requires our energies to become calm and quiet.
Our heart has a soft voice and the stiller we become, the more calm
and quiet we become, the clearer it can be heard.
This is the way in.
Let go of the outerworld, everything in your mind, for just a little while,
and in that quiet, listen to what your heart wants to say.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


All humans want to experience love. Love in many ways is longed for more than health. More people are in a state of suffering due to the lack of a loving relationship than from disease or injury. 7 in 10 of the people you know, suffer from this situation, this lack of love. And in many ways this suffering, on a mental and emotional level, is more painful than disease or injury. I believe the vibrations of this lack manifest into dis-ease in the body. It is nature's alarm system saying "wakeup, get conscious of what you are feeling, pay attention to your spirit!".
When we experience love we feel connected, joined, in union with, and this is our true nature. We have the capacity to move our energy to love in every moment. Our energy can be guided to a state of love. We are unconscious of how to move our energies, consciously, to where and what we want to experience. All that is needed is awareness and willingness. An intent to change the energy we feel whether it is negativity, irritation, annoyance,etc. to one of love,of  allowance and of acceptance.