Why are people unhappy?
Its because their energy has taken a wrong turn. And with passage of time the wrong turn becomes an unconscious habit.
We all start happy and loving. It’s our Divine nature when we are born. Then a cycle starts where our surrounding providers (the people we love), project their ideas for molding and constructing identities that we should become. It’s pretty inescapable because it begins when we are little and helpless. We are cared for by people who, if they were on a time line, are probably at the deepest point of their own enslavement in a societally conditioned false personality. Unless are really blessed to be raised by people who allow you to follow your own nature, you are doomed to become split inside by the pressures of the human environment around you. Like begets like, usually. It takes great effort and courage to break a cycle and move and behave opposite of what you have been forced to experience. That is, if you are not completely broken first, in the process.
Life is an evolution. That is what I believe. I also believe that the human spirit reincarnates many times to refine it’s consciousness. I believe souls evolve. I believe, that right now, the group that is maturing has been groomed to be competitive, but are choosing to be collaborative and cooperative instead. The days of the war monger mentality are over, at least in the U.S.A. I believe that the United States is the model of democracy- a spiritual democracy that is for the globe. It’s far from perfect but we are moving in a positive direction to become a global whole. The paradigm being unified individuals operating from an awareness of themselves as an individual but also awareness of themselves as a part of the collective whole, the group, the human family.
We are evolving to oneness, an individual first that creates in the collective whole. This young group will smash the old ways of control. They will innovate new models of consciousness. They are realizing it’s not enough to be well fed, well clothed, well housed, well educated, with all the bells and whistles, if you are not well loved within yourself, from yourself and radiating benevolently that overflowing excess of love to those others like you.
Love is the most important component to sustenance in the human schematic. Atrocities occur on each other and our planet because of lack of it. And we’ve lost it simply because of a wrong turn that can easily be set right. Set it right and practice that new setup and create a new habit, by creating a new awareness, a new consciousness. This is what we are striving towards: embodying our true Divine nature within the one human family on our planet Mother Earth.
We are born to illicit love. Period. That’s the whole concept in a nutshell at present. All the great masters, messiahs, holy teachers, whatever you want to call them have all said the same thing: Love Yourself and Love One Another. Mankind has a long history of this Divine Manifest being contorted and twisted by manipulative and greedy men to gain control and power over the meek and gentle hearted who try to practice love. This has got to stop and the present youthful generation will do so reconnecting to the Divine through consciously guiding their thoughts and emotions into acts of love. They will transform themselves through the conscious and constant practice of thinking correctly and converting their emotional energy to illicit love and loving relationships. They will think right thoughts, positive thoughts, not garbage, not ego based. They will imote love in their feelings and in their words. They will direct whatever emotional energy that fills them back into what comes most naturally, that which is love. It is natural. The most natural thing is to radiate love. The reason mankind is so screwed up is because it has lost its essential connection to its true nature through the practice of and enslavement to the ego based concepts of the mass consciousness. All that needs to be done is to lift the veil of unconsciousness, to see the stupidity of our own ancient rules and outdated standards that no longer serve us or our Mother Earth.
We have to practice love. Everyday. Every minute. As light dispels darkness, love dispels unhappiness.
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