Q. Why would I need a Yenta, a matchmaker?
A. To help you. If you wanted to play the piano you could teach yourself or enlist an instructor. You would most likely learn more quickly with help.
Q. What do I actually do? ( a Yenta for you)
A. The reason you are not in the relationship you want is never about “other” people. It’s because of you. This doesn’t mean you are bad, wrong, or undeserving. It simply means that deep down inside of you, you are unclear about what you wish for. You don’t actually know. The universe is dying to give you what you want. It can’t because you block or stop the process with your lack of clarity. I’d like to add sometimes it’s compounded by a lack of commitment on your part as well. Not lack of commitment to the other person. It’s a lack of commitment to what you want. You need total clarity and commitment. In other words, you can be clear about what you want sometimes and then you second guess yourself why you want it and then decide it’s not “right”. You go back and forth, yes and no, about what you want. In this way, you are not clear. This is what most people do. And why the things they want never show up. Think of it this way: successful people (those that fulfill their goals and desires) get their success because they are focused and are willing to do the things that are required. They will do whatever it takes. They don’t decide one thing, then cancel it, decide something else, cancel it and go back and forth, back and forth. You never make progress if your thoughts and feelings cancel each other out all the time, never going in the same steady direction. To get the relationship you desire, everything you need to do will require internal effort on your part. If you are willing to submit to an internal transformation, you can have anything you want in this life. Athletes do this. It’s hard if you are resistant and your desires are not strong and sincere. That’s why people are miserable. They choose the mediocre. It’s easier to just stick with the status quo and be the “victim” rather than break a habit and become dynamic.
Q. What is the process of transformation?
A. First of all, let me say that if you are willing you will succeed. If you are going to travel, to take a trip, you will need 2 things: the desire to go and the destination. It’s the same in relationships. You need to choose the place where you want to get to and use your human effort to get there. It’s easier to get where you’re going with a map or route and a little preparation. The trip will be smoother and faster. The inner transformation on your part is taking time and focus to look at yourself and your desires. It’s easier for most people to have a coach i.e. yenta to realistically see these things. We all need support. What I do simply is help you to identify and clear obstacles that may be holding you back. I aid you in demystifying the confusion in your desires. My services don’t appeal to everyone. They are simple and clear so they work for the sincere. Some people love their drama and don’t really want to give it up. It’s a huge distraction from looking at who they really are and what they are doing with that. The culture we live in doesn’t help. It actually creates much more anxiety and competition than the unity and love that we all seek.
So basically, the process is that we communicate,You and I. I ask questions to stir up ideas to help you get clear about what you want and who you are. Then we look at if your behavior is in alignment with your desires. Awareness begins. People create results and success faster and greater the more aware they become. It’s impossible to change what you are unconscious of.
Why me? What do I know? I have been surrounded by the masses my whole life. I grow up in a big family, long marriage, children, a career of service to the public in the beauty industry for 30 years in the most intimate way. I have been very close to people enhancing their personal appearance, physically in private their comfort zone, touching them and creating the image they project to the world through their appearance. And I tell you, that’s a big deal! They have shared information with me that no one else knows, like a therapist. That is part of the process. We all need to be listened to. When you communicate, your thoughts and ideas come alive. Clarity is born and a framework you create acts as a tool to empower you. Then it is easy. I’m just the support and the catalytic agent to start your process. You do it. I just help you “see” the way.
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